Francesca's Spice - A Taste of India
Francesca's Spice is a delicate blend of flavours: cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, corriander, cumin, curry, tumeric, garam masala, ginger, mustard & nutmeg.
This blend is perfect to use in my Kitchari Recipe, stir it in with a can of chickpeas or use on meats. If playing with spices isn't your thing, but you love flavour in your food give this a try. You can also add more of your favourite spices or intensify the heat factor by adding chili seeds or cayenne pepper.
This is the BEST spice combination I've EVER tried for Dhal! I used to make my own combination and never hit that spot of perfection that Francesca's Spice Mix achieves! Try it with her recipes under the blog - It´s the second time in the week I'm cooking Dhal!
I absolutely loved this spice combination! It made my recipe so easy to make and tasted wonderful as I "woke up the spices" with some oil as suggested by Francesca! Delicious!
This is the best spice blend ever! I can’t go back to store to buy curry powder or other Indian blends. This is by far superior in every way. My kids and husband agree too! A must buy!
Yipppee! I am so delighted to hear that these Herb & Spice blends are loved by the whole family.
I love Karma Spice and use it in all of my cooking to add flavour. It’s great on veggies like cooked spinach and adds so much flavour to chicken and beef. I also use it when cooking chickpeas or lentils. Try Karma Spice. It really makes Everything taste Nice. 😊 Fil
Fil I absolutely love seeing the photos of the foods you create! Please keep sending them to me! It delights me to know you feel Karma Spice makes everything nice! You have been such an important part of my journey!
warm, delicate blend of Indian spices. really lovely.
Such a beautiful way to decribe these spices!